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Okay! Many of us are concerned about our teens/young adults leaving the Church or the faith. This raises many questions. What are we doing wrong? Why don’t they want to stay? What do they want? Is our Church different? There are several answers given by Barna Research as to why some stay. Still, we are in a place now where we have to think again. Those who claim to have an intimate relationship with GOD, stay! Those who have a relationship with GOD for themselves stay connected to the Church. This is just where we should be asking questions. How do we connect them to God intimately?
“God, show us how to connect our youth to you.” I have wondered for years how my mother got in me the fear of God. My best answer is that she modelled it. So how do you make intimacy with God tangible? Yes, you can model it, but it will take mentoring youth in a real sincere way. I mean that you open up to them and show them how you talk with God daily, enter His presence, seek His face and find answers. Then, you also show them how to live with the knowledge of the Word in this world. It’s transparency instead of a pulpit-pew relationship. Of course, this is most effective in a small group setting.
Hey! We are able to do this big time, because we have the big time help of the Holy Spirit!! We cannot do it on our own! We have the One who searches all things even the deep things of GOD and reveals it to us! The Holy Spirit equips us with the answers necessary for the unique situations within which we live. So, let’s think again.
Think beyond the physical appearance of the youth. Think beyond their rapidly sung songs! Think beyond their very catchy slangs. Think again and let’s love them to life!