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Has there ever been a time when we were more conscious of ourselves? Naturally, we are born selfish, but usually after understanding that you have to share your milk-truck mom with the next child that comes home from the hospital, slowly the message begins to dawn. Of course, we still go on to call everything we see “mine!” Life however, never gets tired of teaching the same lesson at another level of intensity as we mature. Still, we want what we want when we want it and the precise way we want it, or we throw adult tantrums affectionately called “melt downs.” These are fueled by a rigid personal theology that gives no room for anything but the best case scenario. All right, you’re not like that! You’re much more reasonable and tempered. Share this blog with those you know need a nudge.

Could I be like that?
Post a pic of Demi looking back over her shoulder.Lot's of props ...

“All the Single Ladies,” yes you my girls, please beware of this one thing that you are likely disposed to. Selfishness love to partner with single people. I know! As if you don’t have enough to deal with! Don’t take it to heart. Please listen. I have your back. The reason singles are predisposed to selfishness is because you often have yourself as the one you have to please, unless you live with family and actually taken on responsibility for others. When we have a culture that says “Just do you.” How can I blame you! Putting blame aside, if marriage has an allergy it’s called ‘selfishness.’ That’s why I want you to begin freeing yourself of your me-ology theology.

Singleness and Selfishness

Selfishness Illustrations, Royalty-Free Vector Graphics & Clip Art ...

Me-ology is the study of ‘self.’ Consider how much you do for self and how much you consider how self is treated and how ‘self’ feels. Marriage is the exact opposite. It is the coming together of two who are choosing to become one force. In this process there is yielding and conforming for the purpose of unity – Unity as in a single unit. How pliable are you in having someone else share your life, your space…. and even your bathroom! Come on, we are preparing for marriage, aren’t we?

If marriage doesn't end your selfishness, your selfishness will ...

Let’s say you have that figured out, how about your ‘me-alistic’ ways of dealing with conflicts within relationships. You might not feel like talking to the offender until you’re good and ready. Or maybe you just unleash the full brunt of your displeasure factoring in a clean up plan afterwards. There are some of us who scream at the top of our lungs silently and just tolerate until…

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