An interesting question crossed my path.
Are some people more saved than others?
Salvation is free and available to all, but as A.W. Tozer puts it, some people want God and… In essence some persons just added God to their “to do” list and continued living like nothing happened! On a Sunday they dutifully attend church and may even do another religious activity in the week. However, the deep transforming work of salvation does not penetrate the soul. The walking with God experience is limited to an association vicariously, where they shoot up a prayer in hope of an answer. This relationship is void of deep convictions and passion for the things of GOD. This person is sadly lukewarm and really misses out on daily encountering the God who passionately loves and sacrificed for him or her. They watch people who are on fire for God and wonder why they have to be so excessive in their devotion and expression toward God.
Revelation 3:15-16
15I know your deeds; you are neither cold nor hot. How I wish you were one or the other. 16So because you are lukewarm—neither hot nor cold—I am about to spit you out of My mouth!…
Ugh! That’s how GOD feels about those who take His gift of salvation lightly. It makes Him want to puke! Salvation though free, was extremely costly!!!! Yes it cost JESUS his life!!! I always imagine the moment that He, for the love of His Father, took off His divinity…all the power…all the glory…all the awesome god-ness and became microscopic. Those who are hot for GOD, live like JESUS really died. It means shunning what is evil and clinging to what is good even if it hurts your flesh. It means seeking God for yourself and becoming a student of the Bible. It means allowing the Holy Spirit to correct your behaviour, thought and attitude. It’s really personal…until Christ be formed in you.
Lukewarm people like to mix…just a little.
A little Christianity with a little worldliness.
A little truth with a little lie.
A little church with a little partying.
A little abstinence with a little fornication.
A little forgiving with a little malice.
A little obedience with a little disobedience.
Just a little…
So instead of an abundant life in Christ…
they’ll have
…just a little.
Get hot ! Stay hot!