Why did JESUS teach us to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread?” As a matter of fact, why did GOD give the Children of Israel daily manna most days? Don’t you like shopping for the month and avoid running to the supermarket every other day? I pondered, about this practice of the daily bread or manna. We know scripturally that the bread represents the Word. When the devil tempted JESUS, HE responded that man does not live by bread alone but by every Word that is coming out of the mouth of the FATHER. (Mat 4:4) Bread is not good enough. Word is not good enough. What matters is the Word that is now coming from the FATHER as it concerns you. This is the WORD that has the power to effect change now! The WORD illuminated as you read the Bible today, pay keen attention. The Word spoken into your spirit as you got in the car. This is the WORD: the rhema Word. The now Word. The one that has the breath of GOD on it, which is the HOLY SPIRIT. When the HOLY SPIRIT and the WORD come together…there is creation, as in Genesis. Hebrews 4:12 “For the Word of GOD is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates…”
So what jumped off the page at you when you read the Bible? That’s the Word that has your answer. You must get it daily. This builds that intimate relationship between you and GOD, so that you live by the proceeding Word. Life is on it. It’s Hot Bread!