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God’s Love Language


I’ve figured out GOD’s Love Language!

Gary Chapman’s book, the Five Love Languages, explains how we communicate love to others and receive love from others. In any relationship these languages are spoken: Acts of Service, Gift Giving, Quality Time, Physical Touch and Words of Affirmation.  Having considered what truly communicates to your spouse, child or friend that you really love him or her, it is expected that you live together reaching for that moment where you make another meaningful deposit in their proverbial “love bank.”

What if GOD has a Love Language that HE desires you to speak to HIM? Well…He does. John, the beloved, actually reveals it.  Who better to reveal it than him?  He calls himself “the one that JESUS loved.” (Doesn’t that make you jealous?) The Gospel of John has that charm of someone who is intimately acquainted with the Savior: so well acquainted that he highlighted JESUS’ tender moments.

Guess what makes GOD feels loved!

John 14:15 says  “If you love me, keep my commands.”

Obedience!  Today I have purposed to do the things HE has impressed on me to do. Of course, we know to obey HIS Word, but there are also specific things that HE has given you to do.  The willful work of procrastination and complacency numbs our hearts to the urgency of GOD’s instructions.  Intentionally, I set out to make some deposits in GOD’s Love Bank.  What has HE told me to do that I have not done? What about you?  Give GOD some love by being intentional about being obedient. HE loves you passionately!

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